CAA: UP Police Tortured Children Swept Up In Citizenship Law Protests

Five youngsters share definite records of 48 hrs of savage maltreatment on account of the Uttar Pradesh Police, after they were confined as a feature of a crackdown on a show against the questionable Citizenship Amendment Act. 

NAGINA, Uttar Pradesh — The Uttar Pradesh police confined at any rate 5 minors, one of whom is just 13, at the Bijnor Police Cantonment and tormented them over a time of 48 hours before discharging them, HuffPost India can build up dependent on interviews with the youngsters and their folks, an audit of photos in nearby papers, and recordings from the episode. 

These occurrences of torment have happened with regards to UP Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath's require his state government to take "retribution" against those challenging the citizenship law, and the Narendra Modi government's endeavors to viciously quiet any restriction to it. The police officers told the youngsters they were beating them to instruct them to never go to an open showing again, said the minors who persevered through the maltreatment. 

While HuffPost India has recorded the records of these 5 kids through eye to eye meets, the complete number of minors confined and tormented by the police in Nagina, a urban settlement in Bijnor, could be as high as 22. 

In any event one youngster is still in police guardianship, his dad and senior sibling revealed to HuffPost India. The kid's name shows up in a First Information Report (FIR) of the occurrence recorded by the police, yet his date of birth imprinted on his Aadhaar card puts his age at 14 years. The youngster's dad said that the police demand he is a grown-up and have wouldn't hear them out. HuffPost India has looked into the FIR and the youngster's Aadhaar card. 

The entirety of the youngsters met by HuffPost India were Muslims, and their ages extended from 13 to 17 years of age. 

The torment depicted by the five youngsters extend from rehashed brutal ambush, constrained stripping, lack of sleep, and being compelled to watch the police attack grown-up prisoners limited in a similar office where the kids were held. 

On Friday, December 20, 2019, the police captured at any rate 100 men and youngsters in Nagina as a feature of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) government's rough crackdown on showings against the dubious Citizenship Amendment Act, Nagina Nagar Palika's Chairman, Khalil ur Rehman revealed to HuffPost India. 

21 of these prisoners were discharged in clumps, Khalil stated, in light of the fact that they were minors. The last clump was discharged at 1 am on December 23. HuffPost India talked with five of the 21 who were discharged, confirmed their ages by inspecting their Aadhaar cards, and archived their plainly obvious wounds. HuffPost India likewise endeavored endeavors to connect with the rest of the kids who were discharged yet were advised their families were too reluctant to even think about speaking to the press. As referenced before, one kid is conceivably still in police authority. 

HuffPost India is retaining the names of the tormented kids and their families to ensure their protection, and to shield them from potential backlashes by the police. 

HuffPost India has messaged a nitty gritty survey to Chief Minister Adityanath's office, UP's Director General of Police OP Singh, Bijnor District Collector Ramakant Pandey, and Bijnor Superintendent of Police Sanjeev Tyagi. This article will be refreshed when they react.
