Fortunate AGAIN! 328-feet-wide space rock 2019 OK came near Earth HOURS prior yet did not impact

On Thursday early morning, our planet Earth close experience with a monster space rock. A 328-feet-wide space rock 2019 OK zoom past the Earth on 6:52 am (IST) today at a speed of about 55,000 miles (88,500 kilometers) every hour. Space shake can cause torrents, stun waves, and leveling winds,that could be calamitous. 

On Thursday early morning, Earth had one more close experience with a monster space rock. Truly, you read it right. All things considered, we were lucky that the space shake named '2019 OK' did not crash into Earth and just went past through our planet. A 328-feet-wide space rock 2019 OK zoom past the Earth on 6:52 am (IST) at a speed of about 55,000 miles (88,500 kilometers) every hour. The nearest space rock 2019 OK came to Earth was just shy of 45,000 miles (72,500 km). All things considered, you can say it was a sheltered separation, yet at the same time substantially less than the separation between the Earth and Moon. Space rocks are little, rough items that circle the Sun. In spite of the fact that space rocks circle the Sun like planets, they are a lot littler than planets. You should know that space rocks, whenever hit Earth, can carry monstrous obliteration to our planet and furthermore to human life. The impacts of a space rock strike—waves, stun waves, and straightening winds, could be cataclysmic. Space rocks can approach towards the Earth because of the gravitational powers that influence them. In this way, our fortune can be transformed into incident whenever. In any case, for the present, we are sheltered. 

Returning to space rock 2019 OK, cosmologists at SONEAR Observatory had seen the space shake inside the previous couple of days. As it's a new disclosure, the space experts don't have much data about its circle to its size. It merits referencing here that if 2019 OK had struck Earth, it could have conveyed an incredible hit to any city it struck, however would not have been an overall occasion. Researchers recommended that it would hit with exactly multiple times the intensity of the nuclear bomb that pulverized Hiroshima. As of late, we as a whole have found out about numerous space rocks including 2019 NN3, 2019 MB4, 2019 MT2, 2006 QV89, 2016 NO56M, RF12 and others going past through our planet. Despite the fact that these space rocks were truly near Earth, yet we were extremely blessed. 

Numerous space rocks have hammered into Earth with huge effects. Likewise, the space shake that cleared out numerous types of dinosaurs around 65 million years back. A worldwide observing office for atomic weapons has distinguished 26 space rock blasts with more power than an atomic bomb in the 13 years somewhere in the range of 2000 and 2013, as indicated by a report. As indicated by a report of, there are in excess of 7 lakh space rocks that have been found in space. It further included that space rocks are fundamentally found in a region called the 'principle belt', between the circles of Mars and Jupiter.
