CHANDRAYAAN 2 Launch Date And Time: After 'TECHNICAL SNAG', ISRO Announces Revised Date For Launch On 22 JULY

The dispatch of Chandrayaan 2, India's second mission to the Moon which was canceled because of a specialized obstacle on 15 July 2019, has been rescheduled to Monday, 22 July 2019 at 2.43 pm IST, ISRO declared in a tweet today. In a sensational and hostile to climactic unforeseen development, the Indian Space and Research Organization (ISRO) canceled the profoundly foreseen Chandrayaan 2 dispatch 56 minutes before its planned liftoff at 2.51 am on 15 July. 

ISRO's tweet after the dispatch was canceled on 15 July said that the mission was dropped due to a "specialized obstacle", however it didn't determine anything nor did the ISRO Associate Director (Public Relations Officer) B R Guruprasad state much when he read out a little declaration at 2.40 am stating nearly in exactly the same words information disclosed in the previous tweet. 

The Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle Mark III (GSLV Mk-III), ISRO's heaviest and most proficient dispatch vehicle, will dispatch the Chandrayaan 2 mission. Assembled indigenously by ISRO, it utilizes fluid hydrogen and oxygen as fuel. An ISRO researcher told TOI, despite the fact that in an informal limit, that the dispatch was canceled because of a drop in weight identified after helium was filled into the tank. The weight drop demonstrated a break in the fuel tank. 

Another source disclosed to The Economic Times that the drop was identified in the upper phase of the rocket. "In the wake of filling fluid oxygen (oxidiser) and fluid hydrogen (fuel), helium was being filled. The method is to weight the helium contain to 350 bars and manage the yield to 50 bars. In the wake of filling helium, we found the weight was dropping, showing there was a hole. The group is yet to pinpoint the careful spot of the hole in the gas bottle; there could be numerous releases," the researcher included. 

A comparative hole occurred in front of the Chandrayaan-1 mission as well, previous ISRO boss K Madhavan Nair, said in a meeting with My Nation, however it was amended and the mission was a triumph. He likewise said that these "glitches were normal" and that a "calamity was maintained a strategic distance from as the abnormality was recognized in time."
